Sunday, September 6, 2015

4 August 2015: Big holy day today. ANGGARKASIH MEDANGSIA, start of odalan at Pura Luhur Uluwatu (be there at 9 am for arrival of gods from Pecatu); puncak karya Padudusan Agung at Pura Dalem Sidakarya all day from 9:00.

It’s quiet at Mertasari: only two tongsis selfistas. Around the corner the Jalan Pengembak road project is heating up (see image of expertly-painted safety barriers). I suspect that PT Catur Harapan (the four hopes), the contractors, are gearing up big time. Just bumped into my friend, the groynes-end warung owner: warung not open, as she is following the Intaran (Geria Delod Peken) barong to Sidakarya at 3 pm. What a day!!!